Internet2 Roadmap

The Internet2 Roadmap reflects stakeholders’ commitment to strengthening Internet2’s services, solutions, and capabilities.

The Internet2 Roadmap

Looking Ahead

Internet2 has gathered community input in
an effort to improve our service to the research and education community.      

A Commitment to Progress
Community Stakeholders, across many different organizations and roles, provided valuable feedback to Internet2. This includes suggestions to:

  • Continue to enhance the network performance, extend eduroam, and advance cloud offerings to bring new services to the community
  • Create increasingly meaningful in-person and online experiences and deliver effective communications

See all suggestions

Three Areas of Focus

Internet2 received valuable input during the
initial phases of the Internet2 Roadmap, and is presenting feedback to community leaders and advisory groups. Internet2 determined three areas where the strategic priorities naturally fit.

Learn about our priorities below.

Strategic Focus Areas and Priorities

Roadmap Process

Internet2 is carrying out the Roadmap Process in three phases:

Phase One:

Explore innovative ideas and strategies regarding Internet2 services, solutions, and capabilities to obtain stakeholder feedback. (October 2022–January 2023)


Phase Two:

Explore opportunities to work with the Internet2 community to validate what was heard in the listening sessions. (February 2023–June 2023)


Phase Three:

Explore and validate strategies for portfolio, service management, and a sustainable financial model (adopt roadmap and financial/business model). (Ongoing)

After analyzing all of the inputs we received during the initial phases and presenting collective and summarized feedback to Internet2 community leaders and multiple advisory groups, we heard very specific feedback on how to proceed.
Howard Pfeffer, CEO, Internet2


Access materials and resources below, including the full detailed report of all the community input collected throughout the Roadmap process.


Roadmap graphic
The goal of the Internet2 Roadmap is to use stakeholder voices to build a collective understanding, inspire a deep appreciation, and confirm a strong commitment to Internet2’s current and future services, solutions, and capabilities. By discovering what Internet2 stakeholders value and applying what is learned from listening to them, Internet2 strives to continuously improve its service to the research and education community.

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