Routing Integrity

Each of Us Protecting All of Us

I2 Routing Integrity

Protecting our research and education (R&E) networks from common routing threats is in every institution’s best interest – and it takes a community effort.

Internet2 promotes the adoption of Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) and additional best practices to strengthen the resilience and reliability of data movement across the R&E network ecosystem to support our shared missions. Together we can protect the security of our individual networks and contribute to a safer internet for all.

No detours, no delays, and no outages – that’s the goal of Internet2’s Routing Integrity initiative.

Protect Your Network With RPKI

Resource Public Key Infrastructure – Route Origin Authorization (RPKI-ROA) is the routing security “easy button.” Internet2 is collaborating with the community to protect R&E networks with this critical cybersecurity measure in 2024. 

Our goal? Boost the community’s RPKI-ROA adoption for IPv4 addresses from 21% to 45%, closing the gap with the global internet. 

Graphic reflecting how many organizations are RPKI-ready.
Security Services


Internet2 Route Reports and the Routing Integrity Assessment service provide unique insights to aid the community’s understanding.

TechEx participants gathering at a table.


We answer pressing questions and facilitate community discussions around creating RPKI Route Origin Authorizations and more.

Network Services


We raise awareness of the benefits of routing security and work closely with stakeholders to remove barriers and simplify processes.

Network Maps Card

Best Practices

We participate in MANRS and adopt routing integrity best practices within the Internet2- operated infrastructure for the collective good.