Maximizing Your Membership

The People, Networks & Technologies That Can Help You Lead

Advancing Your Institution with Purpose-Built Services & Solutions

  • Internet2 community logo.

    Create leverage, efficiency, and capability for you and your institution.

Internet2 community logo.

CrashPlan logo

“Simply put, we save immense amounts of dollars and resources. We have community
ownership and control of our infrastructure. This is especially important in times of
unanticipated operational changes.”

— Anna Wong, Volunteer


Create leverage, efficiency, and capability for you and your institution.

Get the knowledge and tools to lead your organization more effectively by interacting actively with peers and benchmarking outcomes.
I2 Network card

Making new things possible with exclusive access to our network infrastructure.

Access a high-performance network infrastructure with the resiliency and security to support global access to next generation research and scholarship.
I2 Cloud logo

Save cost, manage risk, and implement optimized services faster.

Internet2 gets you to the cloud easier with the largest service providers that meet the specific needs of R&E – security, compliance, and contracting.
I2 security card

Get a leg up on maintaining a secure infrastructure & enable frictionless collaboration.

Secure and seamless access management across our network helps your institution extend collaboration, protect platforms, and identify service issues.

Powered by Community


Membership of nation’s highest research institutions


InCommon higher education, research, and corporate participants


Membership of nation’s regional R&E networks


eduroam hotspots across the U.S.


Countries across 70 national R&E networks


Higher education members


Live event attendees per year


Community anchor institutions

We can’t wait to hear from you!