Affiliate and Federal Affiliate

Membership Levels and Dues and Fees

For Affiliate and Federal Affiliate members, Internet2 membership is divided into four levels (see below). A member’s level determines its annual membership dues and network participation fees.  For Affiliates and Federal affiliates, levels are based on annual operating budgets.

Level 1

Affiliate and Federal Affiliate members with annual operating budgets greater than $1 billion.

Level 2

Affiliate and Federal Affiliate members with annual operating budgets equal to or greater than $500 million and less than $1 billion.

Level 3

Affiliate and Federal Affiliate members with annual operating budgets greater than $100 million and less than $500 million.

Level 4

Affiliate and Federal Affiliate members with annual operating budgets less than $100 million. This level of membership is primarily designed for small non-profit organizations.

2025 Affiliate and Federal Affiliate Membership Fees

The following table provides dues and network participation fees for Affiliates and Federal Affiliates. Members pay dues and fees based on a tiered system of Levels. Affiliate and Federal Affiliate members do not have to be physically connected to the Internet2 network as a condition of membership.

Federal agencies qualify as Affiliate members of Internet2, and the fees for Federal Affiliate members follow the fees for other Affiliate members. However, as some federal agencies’ memberships may be managed through department-level or multi-agency membership arrangements, parties interested in Federal Affiliate bundle rates are encouraged to contact with membership rate inquiries.

Category and LevelDuesNetwork Participation FeesTotal
Affiliate & Federal Affiliate
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

Level 4
Discontinued as of 2018; applies to those existing in 2017


2024 Membership Dues and Fees (Affiliates and Industry, R&E Network)