Thank You, I2I Scholarship Sponsors

In the more than five years we have offered the Internet2 Inclusivity Initiative (I2I) Scholarship, we have been fortunate to support the attendance of more than 40 women at Internet2 annual conferences.

This would not be possible without the community championing these efforts. We are grateful for the support from community members who help sponsor the scholarships. Sponsorships assist with travel expenses and event registration and provide mentoring opportunities for recipients.

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Thank you to all our past and future I2I scholarship sponsors who have made a difference in both recipients’ experiences and our collective community!

Sponsor an I2I Scholarship!
If you are interested in supporting inclusivity within the Internet2 community by sponsoring an I2I scholarship, please contact
Thank You, Sponsors!
CiscoGeorgia Institute of TechnologyPurdue University
Colorado School of MinesInternet2ServiceNow
DuoMicrosoftUniversity of Colorado Boulder
FortinetNorthern Arizona UniversityWasabi
George Washington UniversityPalo Alto NetworksZenedge (Acquired by Oracle)