Internet2 Inclusivity Initiative

We are accepting applications/nominations for the 2024 Internet2 Technology Exchange I2I Scholarship held Dec. 9-12 in Boston, Mass.

About the Internet2 Inclusivity Initiative

The Internet2 Inclusivity Initiative (I2I) focuses on resources, attention, and scholarships to improve diversity and inclusion in the community of networking and technical professionals.

The initiative was born out of the alarming dip in women earning CS degrees and other dismal statistics about gender gaps in the IT world. I2I is part of Internet2’s larger commitment to promoting a culture that includes, encourages, supports, and celebrates diverse voices and reflects the communities we serve.

As part of this initiative, we:

Get Involved!
Join the I2I Steering Committee!
I2I Scholarship Recipient Bridget Bartell shares how the scholarship has supported her career development.
Internet2 Inclusivity Award winners

I2I Scholarship Information

The Internet2 Inclusivity Initiative (I2I) focuses on scholarships to increase diversity and inclusion in the community.

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I2I News

Get the latest news about the Internet2 Inclusivity Initiative (I2I).

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I2I Events

View the list of upcoming I2I events, including the 2024 Internet2 Community Exchange and webinars throughout the year.

I2I panel at TechEx 2019

I2I Steering Committee

Find out more about the Internet2 DEI Steering Committee members and the institutions they represent.