Toward Gigabit Libraries

The Toward Gigabit Libraries toolkit and Broadband Improvement Plan is a powerful, free tool to help libraries improve their current broadband infrastructure and internal information technology (IT) environment.

Using the Toward Gigabit Libraries toolkit, library staff will be better equipped to improve broadband services and become stronger advocates for their libraries’ broadband infrastructure needs. The Toward Gigabit Libraries toolkit project was made possible through three grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) RE-00-15-0110-15, RE-246219-OLS-20, and RE-256732-OLS-24

Our most recent award “Toward Gigabit Libraries for Tribal, Native Hawaiian, and Native Alaskan Libraries” (RE-256732-OLS-24) aims to partner with communities to scale the adoption of the toolkit to support Tribal, Native Hawaiian, and Native Alaskan library staff as informed consumers, advocates, and providers of technology, Internet access, and digital services. Using the toolkit, the project will provide free, accessible tech training/professional development for all Indigenous library staff. Tribal, Native Hawaiian, and Native Alaskan libraries, organizations, and communities will help other libraries leverage landmark infrastructure and E-rate funding opportunities to make technology and connectivity advancements.

Toward Gigabit Libraries Toolkit

Download the Toward Gigabit Libraries toolkit to deepen your understanding of your library’s broadband and IT environment, identify areas to improve, and become a better advocate for your library’s broadband infrastructure needs.

Watch the video below to learn more about what areas the toolkit covers and how you can start using it.