Business Continuity Practice
Supporting Internet2 Connectors’ and Members’ business continuity during times of crisis
Internet2 will make reasonable efforts to provide network services in support of business continuity for any connector or participating member during a crisis. To declare a crisis, the participating member or connector may contact Internet2, via their executive liaison (or their designee). Upon declaration, Internet2 will coordinate with the liaison/designate to initiate the process of providing assistance.
Internet2 will attempt to offer network services that are deemed helpful and a) do not unduly affect the normal operation of Internet2 services, and b) do not conflict with agreements that Internet2 may have with other contractors and customers.
After assistance has been provided, continuation of the crisis assistance must be reviewed within 10 days and every 30 days thereafter, by Internet2’s Executive Director of Network Services and the executive liaison/designate of the requesting institution. Renewal of assistance provided under this policy at these intervals is subject to the mutual agreement of Internet2 and the requesting party. Typically, the Internet2 network services provided as crisis assistance will be provided without necessity for a new contract or purchase order as the intent is to provide assistance as quickly as possible.
Connectors are encouraged to coordinate with Internet2 for the pre-deployment of infrastructure to ensure that such assistance may be available in a timely fashion. Specifically, Internet2 encourages connectors to consider ordering additional fiber cross-connects at the relevant Internet2 co-location suite(s). Fiber cross-connects require significant lead time and may be a prerequisite to Internet2’s ability to provide assistance.