About Us

We are only as good as our community

Since our founding, Internet2 and our community of research and education partners have worked together to solve technology challenges and develop solutions to advance research.

Internet2 Offices
Internet2 by the numbers graphic

Internet2 is a community providing a secure high-speed network, cloud solutions, research support, and services tailored for research and education. Our community includes higher education, research institutions, government entities, corporations and cultural organizations. Internet2, formally titled the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID), is a not-for-profit organization governed by a Board of Trustees who represent our diverse membership.

Through InCommon, Internet2 provides security, privacy, and IAM tools built for research and education: single sign-on (SSO), access to cloud and local services, and roaming wi-fi.

Membership call-to-action


Internet2 membership opens the door to an active community that accelerates research and discovery.

Executive leadership solutions

Executive Leadership

Meet the Internet2 Executive Leadership Team.

Network Performance Support card


Our goal at Internet2 is to make diversity a part of everyday life at work and in our communities.

Scholarship winners

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential for a robust and thriving research and education community.

Financial Overview illustration of a notebook, spreadsheet and laptop

Financial Overview

Learn more about Internet2 governance, especially as it pertains to financial oversight.

Illustration of Internet2 word cloud

Media Resources

Access our media resources including fact sheets, network maps, logos, and more.