2022 Technology Exchange | Dec. 5-9, 2022, Denver, CO

Call for Proposals Information

We’re calling on your expertise! Here are tips for you to successfully submit your proposal. The deadline to submit is May 6, 2022.

Submission Tips for Your Proposal

The deadline for submissions is May 6, 2022.

Selections for each track/topic area are managed by a group of subject matter experts in that specific topic. Each team creates the text for their Call for Proposals based on their understanding of what topics the community is most interested in. Please read the text thoroughly and take note of the suggestions they offer, particularly “of special interest” listings.

Each submission is reviewed and scored based on a set of predetermined criteria. To optimize your score, we recommend that you:

  1. Keep your presentation title clear, short, and to the point.
  2. The abstract field has no character limit and we encourage you to be as descriptive as possible, including a list of points and issues you are raising. Feel free to attach supporting or background documentation.  
  3. List any speakers you plan to invite to co-present with you, and include their organization names and email addresses.
  4. Be sure to have at least 1 presenter with a .edu or .gov email address. Committees rarely support submissions from for-profit organizations without strong connections to, and support for, research and education.
  5. Choose your primary track with thoughtfulness. If you are submitting a talk that has cross-audience appeal, consider submitting it as a CROSS-TOPIC session. For example, if your topic is on networking for the cloud, or on identity and access management enabling research in the cloud, consider selecting both primary and secondary track fields. This ensures that your submission is shared with two review teams simultaneously.

Once you submit your proposal, you will receive an automatically generated email with a copy of your submission. If you do not receive this email within a few hours, it is likely that your submission did not go through. If you experience this issue, please contact meetings@internet2.edu to help you with next steps.

Review Process

Reviews begin after the Call for Proposals closes on April 30 and take approximately 3-5 weeks. Rare ‘blind’ until all proposals have been reviewed by the track/topic team. At this point scores and comments can be seen by all, and a series of discussions ensue about which proposals will best meet the community’s interests. Many times, submissions are “merged” and you are asked to work with another submitter who proposed that same topic. This helps to create a broader presentation view of the topic.

Depending on the volume of submissions and topics received for the 2022 Internet2 Technology Exchange, all members of the track teams might be required to meet as a committee and further discuss the submissions. This may lead to a potential delay in the selection and scheduling process.

You can expect to hear a decision about your submission before the first of July 2022. If your submission is accepted, you will be asked to CONFIRM your intent to present in person. After you confirm, you will be given additional details about the scheduling for your talk, asked about presentation support such as AV needs, special requests, etc., and your talk is then posted to the online agenda.

Still have questions about the submission process? Please email meetings@internet2.edu and we’ll be happy to answer your questions! Good luck!