2023 Internet2 Technology Exchange | Sept. 18-22 | Minneapolis, Minn.

Call for Proposals

The TechEX23 Call for Tutorials and Working Meetings is open through May 26, 2023. View the track descriptions below and we hope to see your submission soon!

This year’s Technology Exchange (September 18-22 in Minneapolis) will bring together the same five audiences and will work to expand the cross-focus discussions as well as provide ample time for each group to deep-dive into issues within their community.

Proposal submissions for tutorials, workshops, and working meetings are being solicited in the following areas of interest:

Call for Tutorials — Open

To maximize valuable community expertise shared via tutorials, submissions for half- and full-day tutorials will be considered. Specifically, we are looking for representative offerings in the above-listed topic areas.

The proposals should be complete as to the proposed length (full- or half-day) and include a draft agenda, as well as supporting materials. A number of instructors and (if relevant) a maximum number of participants should be included within the proposal materials. Please select “Tutorial” as your session type.

NOTE: All Tutorials are offered on MONDAY. If a different day is requested, it will be scheduled if space allows.

Call for Working Meetings — Open

To maximize valuable community engagement time, proposals for official Working Groups, SIGs, and BoFs – as well as requests for small focus group discussions, formal (sponsored) Workshops, and Co-located Meetings will be considered. Space is limited so priority will be given to official Working Groups, internally sponsored Workshops, and others on a first-come, first-served policy. Co-located meetings (e.g., REFEDs, NetGurus, etc.) will be scheduled on prior/post-event days if possible.